Saturday, June 30, 2007

All Things In Moderation Including Moderation

So now a study from the University of Miami finds people who drink moderately are more likely to report above-average health than light drinkers, heavy drinkers, and those who have never drank. But it's not clear whether moderate drinking leads to better health or whether moderate drinkers just have healthier lifestyles. The study notes the main health benefit of moderate drinking is that it can ward off cardiovascular disease, especially hardening of the arteries and stroke caused by blood clots.

This is just one of the many 'contradictory' reports I've come across. We have studies telling us coffee is bad because of its caffeine content, then drinking coffee suddenly becomes good because its high in antioxidant. Coconut milk is bad for cholesterol, then its good because half the fats contain lauric acid (found naturally in mother's milk). There are so many more such examples, it's just mind boggling. I believe the key to all of this is MODERATION. That's the best kind of diet for me - eating everything in moderation. Of course, it helps to know our foods better so we know how to moderate the portions as well to get all the proteins, vitaminc, energy, etc that our bodies need. I don't believe in going to the extreme of calorie counting - that just takes the joy out of eating.

But there also needs to be moderation in moderation as I still want to treat myself to a sinful chocolate cake or creamy rich ice-cream once in a while so I tell myself I will make up for it by having a light sandwich or bowl of cereal for lunch the next day (half the time, I don't). So its like a trading of foods, one for another, but its also trading foods and exercise - when I eat more I exercise more, when I can't get to exercising enough for the week, I eat a little less.

Now if only I can eat less and exercise more, I might just lose the last 5 lbs that I've been trying to lose for the longest time.

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